The lack of preparations by a majority of the population will be nothing short of catastrophic because those people have simply refused to listen to the warnings up to now

Original Source and Copyright © 2022

Most Americans who have been around for a while know life is nothing like it used to be. 

The cost of living in the United States is now a hot subject. With everything from rent to groceries on the increase, the United States now has the world’s 26th highest cost of living and it’s no wonder Americans are feeling the pinch.

A nations wealth is derived from having a product to sell. That wealth needs to circulate in towns and cities to compound the wealth effect and create jobs and businesses. When wealth is not created or it is siphoned off to other places, the wealth effect can not happen, and in many cases goes into reverse. A community needs a certain amount of service related jobs to function but it also needs some type of production jobs to bring in money from the outside. This can be mining , agriculture or manufacturing type jobs, but they must exist to insure a healthy economy. 

The most influential economic experts has discovered what they call a” frightening pattern” that they say will be unlike anything ever seen. They have presented their findings to the U.N. and a long list of world governments and indicate that this collapse could happen before the 2023.

The current aggressive nature of war being either planned, staged, or pursued actively by the U.S., is beyond the imagination of any sane person, but that does not even begin to tell the whole tale. Active war and terrorism are currently being waged by this state against its own people as well, as has been evidenced over the past 3 years of physical and psychological warfare based on the fraudulent ‘virus’ conspiracy plotted decades in advance. It has been all-consuming in nature based on the irrefutable harm that has been purposely and methodically forced on all in this country. This is happening worldwide as well, but since the U.S. is the head of the snake of total aggression, and claims the world ‘leadership’ role, stopping this monster by negating all its power could change the world view entirely. 

If the people do not stand up against this tyranny, where will it end? If the masses continue to wallow in self-pity, indifference, and total dependence on the state, what will be our fate? If the U.S. is allowed to continue its totalitarian push toward total domination by the few, thereby building a global cabal and a one world governing system bent on ruling over the earth, how can freedom ever be restored or survive?

When everything collapses at the same time the primary need will be food. The disruption of transportation and distribution systems will create a nation of very desperate people that may be capable of anything. When the distribution of food stops the only way to feed yourself is to already have food stores and/or the ability to grow your own. The worst time for a collapse of the food system is in the fall and winter months. During the spring and summer months it is possible to grow some food locally just about anywhere but when the weather turns cold, if you do not already have food stores or a winter garden in place, you are more likely to starve. The winter weather will not only prevent local food production in most areas of the country but the lack of systems to provide fuel and keep the roads clear of snow and ice can prevent the relocation of people to other areas making them prisoners wherever they are. People will be without food at the time of year when their bodies need even more to keep warm.

This is only one aspect of a complete collapse and does not even get into the lack of heat for warmth and cooking, water , power and security issues that will be prevalent everywhere. While a collapse will stretch your coping ability to new limits, it will be far worse if it happens in the colder months of the year. The lack of preparations by a majority of the population will be nothing short of catastrophic because those people have simply refused to listen to the warnings up to now. For those that have prepared it will be difficult to have sympathy for those that ignored the warnings and continued life as usual.

Once the system collapses it will be difficult to restart and will probably be led by the local production and distribution of food and water. This will likely follow a massive die off of the sick, elderly and very young that will have a difficult time coping until things improve. If you are in one of these groups you may not get another chance to stock up on the critical items you need to live so use this time wisely. As dire as this sounds, the situation will in all likelihood be much more severe and dangerous for the unprepared and prepared alike. If you have not done so yet, prepare now.

Simply having supplies piled up in preparation for some occurrence is not enough to insure your survival. There are several other things you must keep in mind and balance out among your preparations.

You must imagine the potential catastrophic possibilities
You must prepare yourself mentally to deal with whatever happens
You must have knowledge of how best to employ your resources
You need to use your imagination to think outside the box
You must be able to improvise, adapt and overcome obstacles
You must have a flexible plan to guide you

Many people have spewed hateful rhetoric at preppers over the years and today some are finding themselves in dire circumstances as infrastructure and supplies are cut off for an indefinite period of time. Those unprepared individuals have few options and now rely on the actions of others to insure their survival.

As many in the Caribbean can now attest to, having to wait for help to come from hundreds or even thousands of miles away is slow and stressful to those who wait. They do not know when help will arrive and what resources will be available when they arrive. It could take years for many locations to return to some type of normalcy and this is at a time when help is available and forthcoming. What happens when that help is not available following an event?


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