
We Live in a Time When the ‘elite’ Web of Rule, the Real Power Behind the Throne, and Therefore, Governments Under the Command of These Elites, Meaning All Higher Level, and Most Lower Level Governments, Are Evil as Well

We live in a time when the ‘elite’ web of rule, the real power behind the throne, and enforced by the state’s political actors, controls the masses because it controls the politicians, the courts, the military, the monetary system, and therefore the entire government. Due to the very long term, incremental, and purposeful dumbing down of society, most do not realize the monumental risk we face due to this terroristic plot designed by what can be referred to as the “State.” That plot has always existed, and is meant only to gain money, power, and total control over the people, and to create a global technocratic governing system run by the few. In fact, this is already in place, and is in the final stages of completion. This is missed by most, because they are concentrating on the minutia, allowing themselves to be purposely divided, voluntarily voting for masters, hiding from the truth, and complying with most every order given without question. The ruling ‘elite’ are evil, and therefo...

It’s Getting Darker and Colder All the Time, and Many People in the World Can Feel It: For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” Matthew 24:6–8

Original Source: T he past 3 years has certainly been a “time of trouble” for many people around the world—an unprecedented one in some ways, due to modern technology that enables us to see events unfold in real time all around the globe, and the mass migration of people that has led to culture clashes in some countries. A number of authors, academics, and journalists have written about the struggles people face with identity issues, as they feel their identity has become less grounded in the communities they grew up in. At the same time, the modern life often leads to many feeling isolated, adrift, or without a clear moral compass in ways that other generations didn’t experience in exactly the same way or to the same extent. Over the last 18 months, we witnessed the world grappling with a disease that easily circled the globe, in part due to international travel, and in ways and at speeds that would not have been possible before. We have se...

It’s Getting Darker and Colder All the Time, and Many People in the World Can Feel It: The Anti-christ World Leader Will Be the Author of Confusion, the Master Counterfeiter, and the Bringer of FinalWar

W ith modern technology and advanced systems, computer chips and high-tech surveillance, everything is falling into place for the global economy to take off, and the technology and computing power are in place, developed, tested and proven. The Anti-Christ world leader will be the author of confusion, the master counterfeiter, and through his many images he will deceive the nations. The Antichrist will come on the world stage peaceably, with flatteries, via powerful persuasion and propaganda. By this means he is able to lead captive the masses. Through his many images and idols he shows himself clever, for acceptance of his 666 mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16-18) will be the logical, reasonable, convenient, securest norm, accepted in the eyes of man, both small and great. It’s getting darker and colder all the time, and many people in the world can feel it. They may not understand it, and they don’t always want to admit it, but it’s happening. The sun is setting, the darkness is fa...

Collapse of America Almost Complete: Americans will have to make some tough choices on how they’ll go about surviving when basic necessities become nearly unaffordable and the economy becomes dangerously unstable

The current aggressive nature of war being either planned, staged, or pursued actively by the U.S., is beyond the imagination of any sane person, but that does not even begin to tell the whole tale. Active war and terrorism are currently being waged by this state against its own people as well, as has been evidenced over the past 3 years of physical and psychological warfare based on the fraudulent ‘virus’ conspiracy plotted decades in advance. It has been all-consuming in nature based on the irrefutable harm that has been purposely and methodically forced on all in this country. This is happening worldwide as well, but since the U.S. is the head of the snake of total aggression, and claims the world ‘leadership’ role, stopping this monster by negating all its power could change the world view entirely. If the people do not stand up against this tyranny, where will it end? If the masses continue to wallow in self-pity, indifference, and total dependence on the state, what will be our f...

Hell is Coming, and Famine is Coming With It - The Worst Is Yet To Come, We Are in the Beginning Stages of the Worst Global Food Crisis That Any of Us Have Ever Seen!

In a world such as this, where every freedom is being relinquished, where every aspect of life is being controlled, where every state threat is a lie, where every truth is avoided; what will become of man? Power and control over large populations can only be achieved over time, and initially in smaller steps, but as the progression of tyranny consumes the majority, extreme force will be more easily accepted. All totalitarian systems rely on voluntary servitude in order to exist, because there are so many more of us than them. Once this state of willing cowardice and indifference claims the population like a ‘virus,’ this mass sickness of society will consume itself, and all that will remain will be a life of slavery and misery; due to dependence on the very masters who brought about the plot to control the people. You have accepted the lies, you have accepted self-imprisonment in your own homes, you have accepted the forced loss of your jobs and sustenance, you have accepted the abando...

Many Economists Believe That Another Great Depression It’s Likely To Happen This Year. ‘The World Faces Unprecedented Hunger Crisis’. Millions People Will Be Pushed Into Extreme Poverty

Many economists believe that another Great Depression could throw the world back into the poverty and chaos of the dustbowl era, and some think it’s likely to happen this year. There are clear and ambiguous causes of a recession. Numerous economists would differ over particular recession reasons and come up with explanations for why they might happen. There are a few traits that most recessions frequently share, even though no two recessions are the same. Recessions can have a variety of causes, such as: Excessive debt Stock market crash High deflation Technological change High Inflation Asset bubbles bursting Sudden economic shock Post-war slowdown Technically, the Great Depression lasted for four years, from 1929 to 1933. In reality, it took until 1940 for US GDP to recover to its 1929 level, and even then unemployment was still at 15%. Only the militarization of the economy for World War II finally swept away the Great Depression’s after-effects. The Danger of Inflation Of course, a...

The Nuclear Threat Continue To Pile Up And Doing Nothing Is Not An Option If You Expect To Survive The Next Few Years In Tact:The warnings continue to go out. The situation continues to deteriorate. The mass of humanity continues to go about its normal

Many things changed when the Soviet Union fell apart in the early 1990s, but at the time it felt like the most important one was that fears of nuclear war receded. For 40 years we’d all lived with the threat of annihilation, and suddenly that threat was gone. Well, now it’s back. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Vladimir Putin’s thinly-veiled threats to go nuclear if the West opposed it too openly, has refocused everyone’s minds on what would happen in a nuclear war. Preppers are less likely to have forgotten the nuclear danger than most people, but even we are probably taking an urgent look at our plans for surviving a nuclear attack. Obviously, the first and most important step in living through this nightmare scenario is not being under a weapon when it explodes. Unfortunately, unless you’re a senior officer in Russia’s Strategic Rocket Forces you won’t have access to their targeting plans, so how can you know if you live near a target? Any nation that launches a nuclear strike on ...